Winnotek contributes to the progress of state of the art methods within Licensing Executives Society – LES France

Winnotek confirms its involvement in several key committees and taskforces within Licensing Executives Society – LES France: “IP Valuation”, “Business Secrets” and more recently “Information Technology & Software” (IT&S). During a workshop on September 7, 2021 then a dedicated seminar on October 28, 2021, Winnotek shared its experience and proposed new topics for methodology development…

Winnotek and LEX Colibri stakeholders in the first “PLM” (Paris Legal Makers) conference at Palais Brongniart (Paris) on 6 December 2021

On 6 December 2021 in Paris at the Palais Brongniart (historical stock exchange building) the first ever “Paris Legal Makers” conference was organized by the Paris Barrister office and the French national lawyers professional body. This event was dedicated to the impact of digital and climate change transitions on field practices of law, such as…

Winnotek hosts for GRAPI members a webinar dedicated to IP strategies and their deployment

GRAPI is the French acronym for “Rhône-Alpes Group for the Protection of Intellectual Property”, it is the regional branch of the international AIPPI association for the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes (“AURA”) region. It involves patent counsels, attorneys, corporate lawyers as well as IP executives from various industrial firms. It runs in close collaboration with the regional authority…

Winnotek partners host a webinar on 29 October 2020 for the benefit of INPI’s national network of executives

In November 2020, INPI (France’s National Institute for Intellectual Property) launched a new program of services called “Alliance Pi” (from project generation to signature of collaborative research consortium agreements).This program has three main components, targetting simultaneous and synergetic assistance to competitivity clusters, technology R&D centers, and industry stakeholders. This program is progressively deployed over the…

Artificial Intelligence: creation of a workshop within Hub France IA, dedicated to AI and I.P. issues

Winnotek launches a workshop project on “Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property (IP)” within the Hub France IA, an association under the law of 1901, driving and federating Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives in France. Its mission is to promote the rapid growth of the French and European AI ecosystem in order to foster the emergence of…

Winnotek and its partner LEX Colibri release a comprehensive offering for protecting trade secrets and know-how

Véronique Chapuis, founder and CEO of LEX Colibri, expert in legal intelligence and innovation contractual strategies, is an associate partner of Winnotek. Our entities have developed a joint offering allowing organizations to identify and formalize the comprehensive perimeter of their trade secrets and know-how, then deploy a secrecy policy securing their protection in full compliance…

WINNOTEK editor of Intellectual Property overview in bimonthly “Revue des Ingénieurs des Mines”

The bimonthly “Revue des Ingénieurs” serves all alumni from 3 French national Ecoles des Mines (Paris, St Etienne, Nancy). Each issue features an overivew of a specific sector, technology, market, or managerial theme. The March/April issue focuses on Intellectual Property: contributions to the overview come from French National patent office (INPI) , several patent counsel…

Winnotek analyses the impact of the Unified European Patent on SME’s, on behalf of the European Patent Office (EPO)

Winnotek is mandated by the EPO (European Patent Office) to study the impact  of the upcoming Unified European Patent on intellectual proprerty strategies adopted by SME’s.  Indeed this segment of economic activity is identified as a priority beneficiary of this new Intellectual Property legislation; the EPO wishes to better capture and understand their motivations and…

Pierre Ollivier is joint author of “LA REPUBLIQUE DES ENTREPRENEURS” published by

“LA REPUBLIQUE DES ENTREPRENEURS” is a white paper published by the Foundation for Innovation in Politics. Its starting point is the observation that innovation in France exhibits a severe lack of collective vision. Experts seem poorly equipped to understand major transformations now under way. Any analysis compels them to revisit microeconomic mechanisms underlying these transformations,…

Winnotek tutors INPI’s “Master Class PI” for business leaders

Since March 2015, Winnotek founding partners are approved by INPI to assist candidate companies in the framework of “Master Class PI ” tutoring cycles. These classes which are by nature very close to personal coaching, are designed for business leaders facing various management issues relative to their Intellectual Property strategy, and wishing to strengthen their…