NOTE: a majority of below mentioned publications are written in French. English-translated abstracts of these documents can be made available on demand (
Date publication (support) | Thème de la publication et liens Internet |
Décembre 2020 (Revue IP Briefs, Volume 3 Issue 7 December 2020) | Joint authors with Véronique Chapuis-Thuault of the paper: ” “Secrets d’affaires”…. high potential assets under development” (see page 8)
Volume 3 Issue 7 of IP BRIEFS journal, where the paper is available (on page 8) can be found here. (Pierre Ollivier, Philippe Simon and André Gorius) |
Decembre 2019 (A3E LYON, Quarterly Letter n°28 – 4th quarter 2019) | Author of the article of the A3E letter (Association des Experts en Évaluation d’Entreprises, Association of Experts in Business Valuation): “Intangible Assets and Transfer Pricing – Principles and Implications, The CRA Myth” (page 13 of the Letter)
(André Gorius) |
July/August 2018
(Alumni Journal, Revue des Ingénieurs des Mines) |
Coordinator of the global dossier “Artificial Intelligence” and author of the editorial “Risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence” in issue # 498.
(Philippe Simon) – Revue Issue and editorial reprint available upon request – |
March 22nd, 2018
(Forbes Magazine) |
Joint author with Vincent Lorphelin, Gabriel de Kernier and Marine Travaillot (“French Tech and Patents” group) of thematic feature: “How much does a patent really cost for a business?”
(Pierre Ollivier) |
February 23rd, 2018
(Forbes Magazine) |
Joint author with Vincent Lorphelin, Eric Le Forestier, Jean-Christophe Rolland, Frédéric Hege and Mathieu Buchkremer (“French Tech and Patents” group) of thematic feature: “Patents are key to the development of artificial intelligence”
(Pierre Ollivier) |
October 2017 (P2I 3AF Symposium, Strasbourg) |
Annual conference of the association 3AF on October 11 and 12, 2017 in Strasbourg on the issues of “Intellectual Property and Innovation” (P2i 2017) Speaker on the theme: ” Technology transfers from public research to industry: the challenge of maturation, from TRL 3 to TRL7″ (Philippe Simon) – presentation available upon request – |
September 1st, 2017 (Newspaper LE MONDE) |
Joint author with Vincent Lorphelin and François Bourdoncle of the paper « To protect the French Tech, the scope of patents must be broadened » from the dossier « Idées » (Pierre Ollivier) – complete article available upon request – |
March/ april 2017 (Alumni journal of the Ingénieurs des Mines) |
Coordinator of the global dossier and editor of the editorial “Intellectual property: an intangible asset that creates tangible value” as an introduction to the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY dossier of the magazine. #490. (Philippe Simon) – copy of the journal and article available upon request – |
February 2017 (Alumni journal « La Jaune et La Rouge ») |
« La Jaune et La Rouge » n°722 (« Open innovation»), review of the alumni of the Ecole Polytechnique. OPEN INNOVATION dossier: article « Protecting Intangible Assets in an Open World » (Pierre Ollivier) |
February 2016 (Internet magazine FrenchWeb) |
Joint author with Eric Le Forestier of two articles:
« 10 reasons why a start-up should file a patent » on feb. 5, 2016 and « 16 essential questions to ask yourself before filing a patent » on feb. 16, 2016 (Pierre Ollivier) |
January 5, 2015 (Newspaper LES ECHOS) |
Joint author with Vincent Lorphelin of the article « What is the purpose of a new French patent fund? » of the “Ideas and Debates / Opinions” file (Pierre Ollivier) |
June 18, 2014 (Newspaper LES ECHOS) |
Interviewed author of the full page article « If French companies do not move, they will be swept away. » of the file « Special innovation » (Pierre Ollivier, About collected by Catherine Moal) |
October 2013 (JNAI of the Observatoire de l’Immatériel, Paris) |
Joint author of the Observatory’s White Paper, « Guide de préconisations pour une nouvelle gouvernance de l’entreprise », presented in a private version on the occasion of the JNAI 2013 (Journées nationales des Actifs Immatériels) on October 29, 2013 at Bercy, then published in December 2014. Participation in the workshop organized around this theme, led by Yves Lapierre, President of the Observatory and Director General of INPI. (Pierre Ollivier) |
October 2013 (Café des Techniques, CNAM Museum, Paris) |
Member of the discussion panel at the evening event « Smart grid, towards the power grids of the future ! » October 17 at the Musée des Arts et Métiers (Pierre Ollivier). Filmed meeting moderated by Daniel Fiévet, scientific journalist, with Didier Laffaille, head of the technical department, Commission de régulation de l’énergie, Pierre Ollivier, associate director, Winnove and Jean-Luc Thomas, director of the mechanical and electrical systems engineering department, Cnam. |
October 2013 (1st P2I 3AF Symposium, Paris) |
Annual conference of the 3AF association on October 2nd and 3rd at the OECD, on the theme of « Intellectuel Property and innovation » (P2i). Speaker on IP portfolio audits (rationality, use cases, best practices, recent developments) (Philippe Simon) – presentation available upon request – |
June 2013 (5th Chinese-French Seminar, CCI France & International, Paris) |
Fifth Franco-Chinese seminar for economic intelligence and innovation, June 4 and 5, 2013, in conjunction with the economic and technological governance bodies of the Hunan Province. Speaker on the theme “IP in the context of collaborative innovation”. (Philippe Simon) – presentation available upon request – |
October 2012 (11th IES European Forum 2012, Lille) |
Forum IES 2012 organized by 3AF’s Information for Business Commission (Association Aéronautique Astronautique de France). Lecturer on the topic “Evaluation Methods and Models for the Valuation of Intellectual Property: State of the Art and Recent Developments”. (Philippe Simon) – presentation available upon request – |
May 2012 (X-Recherche association) |
Ecole Polytechnique Alumni Association, Research Sub-Group: Speaker on May 22nd on the topic of « What effective levers in favor of R&D for a beneficial disruption of innovation and employment in France? » (Pierre Ollivier) |
April 2012 (Mutecos : think tank on public policies to accompany economic change) |
First Mutecos seminar of the 2012 annual cycle, on April 26th and 27th at the CESE, on the subject of« The “AGILES” networks: New growth paths. A challenge for the territories ». Speaker at the round table “tools and methods” of the theme “How to revitalize a territory by mobilizing networks in the service of collective intelligence? “, speaker on ” The trade-offs of companies in terms of innovation “. (Pierre Ollivier) |
April 2012 (Book « Le Rebond Economique de la France », Collection Village Mondial ) |
France’s future as seen by 85 innovators: collective work, Pearson Education (Vincent Lorphelin coordinator, Pierre Ollivier and Philippe Simon, co-authors)
« 85 innovators, actors of growth and employment testify » Preface by Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet, Founder-Manager of PriceMinister. |
February 2012 (Alumni journal « La Jaune et La Rouge ») |
« La Jaune et La Rouge » n°672, review of the alumni of the Ecole Polytechnique. Dossier Grand Angle on intellectual property: article « De jure standards, Standardization and Patents, Levers of Innovation » (Pierre Ollivier)
January 2012 (Journal « Economies et Société » N° 14, série W) |
« Methods of evaluation and valuation of intellectual property: state of the art and recent developments. Intellectual property as a lever for the economic development of SMEs” (Pierre Ollivier and Philippe Simon), published by ISMEA Economie et Société. |
October 2011 (Observatoire de l’Immatériel) |
International Symposium of the Observatoire de l’Immatériel on the evaluation and valuation of intangible assets : « New methods for patent valuation » (Philippe Simon) |
December 2010 (Observatoire de l’Immatériel) |
JNAI (Journées Nationales des Actifs Immatériels, National Days of Intangible Assets) : « Valuation of Intellectual Property: Estimation Methods and Economic Models » (Pierre Ollivier, Philippe Simon) |
October 2010 (Conseil d’Analyse Economique) |
Writing of the Complement « DE JURE STANDARDS, STANDARDISATION AND PATENTS : LEVERS FOR INNOVATION » (Alan Bryden and Pierre Ollivier), of the REPORT of CAE (Conseil d’Analyse Economique) : « PATENT MARKETS IN THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY », published by La Documentation Française. |
September 2007 (JAABC : Journal of American Academy of Business Cambridge) |
“The Technology Disruption Conundrum” (Pierre Ollivier/ Von Johnson). View and diagnosis on the evolution of media and entertainment in the face of new technologies. |
September 2003
(Editions Elenbi, Paris/ Electronic Business Group) |
« The automotive industry: markets, players and strategies ». Collective work (Audrey Puig coordinator, Philippe Simon, joint author) |