Winnotek sponsorizes innovation via the “Meet4innovate” online convention on December 6th 2022

Winnotek is a sponsor of the online convention “Meet4Innovate”  which will take place on December 6th 2022, focussing on digital transition, cybersecurity and new technologies offered by Web 3.0 Several thematic lectures as well as trophy awards will accompany the online one-to-one speed meetings between end-users, solutions providers and investors. Among notable partners supporting the…

WINNOTEK editor of Intellectual Property overview in bimonthly “Revue des Ingénieurs des Mines”

The bimonthly “Revue des Ingénieurs” serves all alumni from 3 French national Ecoles des Mines (Paris, St Etienne, Nancy). Each issue features an overivew of a specific sector, technology, market, or managerial theme. The March/April issue focuses on Intellectual Property: contributions to the overview come from French National patent office (INPI) , several patent counsel…

Winnotek analyses the impact of the Unified European Patent on SME’s, on behalf of the European Patent Office (EPO)

Winnotek is mandated by the EPO (European Patent Office) to study the impact  of the upcoming Unified European Patent on intellectual proprerty strategies adopted by SME’s.  Indeed this segment of economic activity is identified as a priority beneficiary of this new Intellectual Property legislation; the EPO wishes to better capture and understand their motivations and…