Our consultants bring their expertise to the following groups and associations who promote best practices and foster cross-fertilization

  • Winnotek partners are active members of, and they chair several commissions of, LES France and  LESI (Licensing Executive Society International).
  • Winnotek is a partner to R&D projects officially sponsored by the competitivity cluster System@tic Paris Region:


  • Partnering as “Ambassador” with EuKTS (European Knowledge & Technology Transfer Society), an international association supported by more than 30 various organisations spread over 18 countries: TTOs (technology transfer offices), licensing professionals, industrial companies, chambers of commerce, governement agencies.

  • SPIRIT: (French acronym for “Informal Evening Talks on Research and Technological Innovation”), an association created by SPINNOVE, then operated by Winnotek. SPIRIT gathers top executives in research and innovation from large groups and SME’s, both French and International :


  • Winnotek is a member of the “Observatoire de l’Immatériel” (the French “Observatory of Intangible Assets”). Specifically Pierre Ollivier is board member and treasurer of this association. He is also joint author of a White Book (in French) “How intangible assets transform corporate governance“:

  • Winnotek is partner of Premier Cercle ™, a consultancy company organizing high level conferences and seminars in Europe and in the United States. Premier Cercle ™ is specialized in providing information to businesses and in creating high value-added editorial content. Winnotek contributed to the definition of several conferences on the IP subject, has moderated several round tables and was speaker to a number of these conferences.

  • Winnotek is coordinator and facilitator of standardization programs (publishing “guidelines for best practices”) within several commissions run by AFNOR, the French national standardization agency: within the French commission in charge of innovation management practices (CN-INNOV, Philippe Simon) as well as within the European Standardization Committee (CEN/ TC 389, Pierre Ollivier):


  • … and is also a participant to the ISO/ TC 279 group, whose scope is “Standardization of terminology tools and methods and interactions between relevant parties to enable innovation.”.
  • Both Philippe Simon and Pierre Ollivier are Certified EuKTS EXPERTS, EUREKA/EUROSTARS, OSEO INNOVATION experts for R&D collaborative projects assessment
  • Other past or present participations :

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